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Instructions for Uploading User Details via Spreadsheet

Download a sample Spreadsheet here.

  1. The supported headers are: FirstName, MiddleName , SecondLastName, LastName , Email , EmpID , ShortName , WorkPhone,JobTitle, IM, CellPhone, JobGrade, Calendar, WorkingDays, DateOfBirth (yyyy-MM-dd), Gender, StartDate (yyyy-MM-dd), EndDate (yyyy-MM-dd), WorkerType, Status,Orgunit, Location, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, Country, Zipcode, AddressType, ReportsToEmail, JobProfile, Language, TimeZone.
  2. If there are spaces in column names, the system will remove the spaces and upload the file.
  3. The Gender could be M (Male), F (Female), and H. If no gender is present then the gender would be  “H”.
  4. The Status could be A (Active), I (Inactive), and F (Future). If no status is present then the status would be “Active”.
  5. The date format for the Date of Birth, Start Date, and End Date column should be “yyyy-MM-dd”.
  6. Locations and Country should already be defined in the application.  
  7. OrgUnits if not already defined in the application would be created by the system at the time of User Import.
  8. For the Reports To column, one needs to enter the email of the person to whom the user reports.
  9. We also support Custom Field headers. The relevant Custom Fields and Custom Lists should already be created in the application. (See how to create Custom Fields here)
  10. The Custom Field headers should be preceded by “cf_” or “CF_” ( e.g if there is a Custom Field called Dietary and its custom field code is ‘dietary’, then the column header should be “cf_dietary” or “CF_dietary”).
  11. All the column names are NOT case-sensitive except the Custom Field column names. The Custom Field column names are case-sensitive.

Hope this helps :)

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