Instructions for Uploading User Details via Spreadsheet
Download a sample Spreadsheet here.
- The supported headers are: FirstName, MiddleName , SecondLastName, LastName , Email , EmpID , ShortName , WorkPhone,JobTitle, IM, CellPhone, JobGrade, Calendar, WorkingDays, DateOfBirth (yyyy-MM-dd), Gender, StartDate (yyyy-MM-dd), EndDate (yyyy-MM-dd), WorkerType, Status,Orgunit, Location, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, Country, Zipcode, AddressType, ReportsToEmail, JobProfile, Language, TimeZone.
- If there are spaces in column names, the system will remove the spaces and upload the file.
- The Gender could be M (Male), F (Female), and H. If no gender is present then the gender would be “H”.
- The Status could be A (Active), I (Inactive), and F (Future). If no status is present then the status would be “Active”.
- The date format for the Date of Birth, Start Date, and End Date column should be “yyyy-MM-dd”.
- Locations and Country should already be defined in the application.
- OrgUnits if not already defined in the application would be created by the system at the time of User Import.
- For the Reports To column, one needs to enter the email of the person to whom the user reports.
- We also support Custom Field headers. The relevant Custom Fields and Custom Lists should already be created in the application. (See how to create Custom Fields here)
- The Custom Field headers should be preceded by “cf_” or “CF_” ( e.g if there is a Custom Field called Dietary and its custom field code is ‘dietary’, then the column header should be “cf_dietary” or “CF_dietary”).
- All the column names are NOT case-sensitive except the Custom Field column names. The Custom Field column names are case-sensitive.
Hope this helps :)