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How to Import Skills in a Job Profile?

Instructions for Uploading Skills in Job Profile via Spreadsheet

Download a sample Spreadsheet here.
Following are the headers we support:

  1. ProfileName: This column should include the profile name. (Mandatory)
  2. SkillName: This column should include the skill name. (Mandatory)
  3. SkillLevel: This column should specify the skill level. If the skill level is out of range, those records will be skipped. (Mandatory)
  4. Weightage: This column should specify the weightage (0 -100).
  5. Notes: This column should include notes.
  6. AssociationLabel:  This column should include an association label.

Steps to Import Skills in a Job Profile

  1. Under the gear icon, click on the “User & Employee Portal”.
  1. Clicking on the “User & Employee Portal” button will redirect you to the “User and Employee Portal” page. Click on the “Import Data”.
  1. Select “Job Profile Skill” from the select box.
  1. To import, prepare an Excel file with the column headers given. The ones marked with a red asterisk are mandatory fields.
  1. Once the file is ready, click “Choose file” and select the file in Excel (.xlsx) format from the system.
  1. Click on the “Import File” button. Once the file is imported, a toaster message appears along with a popup window that shows the data import summary.
  1. Imported skills in the job profile view page will look like this:

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