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Customer Implementation Tracker

ClayHR provides you with robust task management capabilities to ensure a smooth and organized implementation process. This is designed to streamline and monitor the customer implementation process by creating or assigning tasks.

  1. Go to the inbox icon and open Implementation Tracker.
  1. The home page of the implementation tracker will be shown.

Note: Here, the user's assigned tasks with an open status will be shown by default. By picking up the filters, you can further modify the display.

  1. You can create a new task by clicking on the New Task button in the top right corner..
  1. Fill in the required fields and click on the Save Task button.
  1. You can manage your task from the task view page.
  1. There are three tabs available on the top right corner of the home page.
  1. After clicking on the Board View icon from these tabs, the task board view page will open.

Note: You can drag and drop the tasks to update the task status.

  1. After clicking on the Milestone View icon, the milestone view page will open. It will show tasks with Milestone as the task type.

Note: This visualization helps the HR department and account managers to keep track of their milestones.

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