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PTO Request and Approval Notifications

ClayHR will send up the following notifications regarding Leave/PTO requests & approvals:

  1. Default PTO Notification Setting: by default, the system will notify the following people when a Leave/PTO is requested or approved/rejected:
  2. User managers (as specified in the user's "Reports to" field in their employee record)
  3. Users  with the PTO Management function enabled (as specified in the User Group Permissions page)
  4. Custom and additional PTO Notifications: additionally to the people included in the "Default" group, the system will notify users included in the PTO Section in Global Notifications. Users specified will be notified of requests and approvals, but WILL NOT have approval permissions. To add people to the PTO Global Notification section follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the top right "Setup" Menu
  2. Scroll to the "Other" sub-menu
  3. Click on the "Global Notifications" link under the Site Configurations section
  4. Scroll down to the PTO section
  5. Add the names of the users that need to be notified of PTO requests and approvals

Hope this helps :)

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