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Manage Recruitment Agencies

Recruitment agencies work on behalf of an organization to help fill open positions with qualified candidates. In ClayHR, you as the recruitment agency can:

  1. Supply candidates
  2. See the status of candidates submitted

Manage recruitment process with simple steps

  1. Create Recruitment Agency
  2. Add recruiter to the recruitment agency

How to Create Recruitment Agency

  1. Go to Setup -> Hiring. This action takes you to the “Hiring Configuration”.
  1. Select the Recruitment Agencies tab.
  1. Click on Recruitment Agencies.
  1. Click on the “New Recruitment Agency”.
  1. Fill in the name, description, and website URL, and click on “Save Recruitment Agency”.
  1. On the view page, you will see two tabs “Recruiter” and “Analytics”.
  2. Recruiters can be added from the recruiter tab.
  1. The Analytics tab will have the recruitment summary.

How to Add Recruiter to the Recruitment Agency

  1. Click on “Add Recruiter”.
  1. A dialog will open to fill the name and email address of the recruiter.
  1. After the successful creation of the recruiter, an email will be sent to the recruiter’s email address with login details.

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