1. Download a sample Spreadsheet here.
2. Email: This column should include the user's email. (Mandatory)3. CompensationType: This column should include a valid Compensation Type (Salary, Pay, Bonus, Incentive, Severance, and Other). (Mandatory)4. Amount: This column should include the amount value. (Mandatory)5. Period: This column should include a valid Period (Hourly, Daily Rate, Weekly, Biweekly, Bimonthly, Monthly, Quarterly, SemiYearly, Yearly, and One Off). (Mandatory)6. Currency: This column should include a valid Currency Code (ISO 4217). (Mandatory)7. EffectiveDate: The preferred date format is yyyy-MM-dd. (Mandatory)8. EndDate: The preferred date format is yyyy-MM-dd.9. Notes: Max 50 characters.10. ChangeType: This column should specify the change type.Note: Effective Date and End Date should be date-type columns. The amount should number type column.