How to Import Projects Allocations?
Easily import your "project allocations" into the ClayHR system through excel files.
Download a sample Spreadsheet here.
1. To carry out the import, please navigate to the “Import Data” page by going to the Setup menu-->User & Employee Portal.
2. Click on import data and select Project Allocations from the dropdown.
3. The supported headers are: *ProjectName(120), ProjectId(11), ProjectUID(20), *Email(50), *Allocation(4) , *StartDate (YYYY - MM -DD) , UserId(11), EndDate(YYYY-MM-DD) , UserRole(11), ReportsTo(11) , IsAdmin(1), BillableAllocation(8).
- ProjectName: Identify the Project name in which you want to add the allocation.
- Email: Email address of the user you want to assign to a project.
- Allocation: Mention the allocation percentage.
- StartDate: Enter a specific start date for that user's allocation.
- UserID: Add the User's Id to your excel file.
- EndDate: Mention the allocation's end date.
- UserRole: Describe the user's role in that project. For example say, Quality Analyst.
- ReportsTo: Enter the email address of the user's managers.
- IsAdmin: Check to see if the user is an administrator or not. If yes, enter 1; otherwise, leave the column empty.
- BillableAllocation: In this column, enter the Total Billable Allocation percentage.
4. If there are spaces in column names, the system will remove the spaces and upload the file.
5. The excel sheet should be in plain text format.
Hope this helps :)