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How to create a survey

Surveys help us to gather data in an organized way which provides insights for organizations that can lead to amazing research.

  • Go to the top right “Setup” menu and click on “Forms, Workflows & Templates”.
  • You will be redirected to the “Forms, Workflows & Templates Details” page. Follow to “Forms”>” Surveys”.
  • Now you can approach with creating a “New Survey”.

Step 1: Fill up the Survey details

  • “Can be filled by” - In this option, you can select whether the survey is for a user or candidate. Here, the user is the employee and the candidate is the one who is still in the hiring process.
  • “Survey Availability” - This shows the survey available to all or to specific users by assignment process.
  • Step 2: Now “Proceed to Design” will lead to the design page. The design is split into sections in which you can add questions. You can add a section from “Add Section” > Fill Details > “Save Section”.
  • Step 3: Create questions in each section by clicking on “New Question” > Fill Details > “Save Question”.Options:   “Field Type” -  It is the type of field you want to add like Text area, Multiple choice, etc.
  • “Type” - By default, the form is kept generic.
  • “Help text” - In case you want to clarify something for whoever fills the survey.
  • “Sequence” - Sequence will define the position of the sections. By default questions are arranged in the order they are created.      
  • Step 4: Click on “Publish Survey” in order to publish the survey.
  • Step 5: Assigning Surveys.  a) If survey availability is Open, anybody can access it from the Public Surveys link.
  •   b) For others, click on “Add Assignment” in order to create a new assignment.  c) Assign the survey to the user and then click on “Save Assignment”.
  • d) Download the response of the assignees as a spreadsheet from the option “Download Response as Excel”.  

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