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How to Get Active Users list from ClayHR API using cURL in Git Bash

To Get Active Users list from ClayHR API using cURL in Git Bash

Follow the following steps to get the Active Users list using cURL in Git Bash –

  1. Download and install Git Bash from to run cURL commands
  1. Download and install cURL for your operating system from
  1. URL for Active Users –
  2. Set Request type – GET
  3. Get Authorization Access token from User Profile (also called accesskey):
  1. Set HTTP Header Authorization: (key-value pair)
    a. Authorization: {“accessKey”: “ZGVtbzpiMmZkODJhOTdjM2I0MjZlOGVmODI5NjUXXXXXXXXXXXX”}
    b. Content-Type: application/json
  2. Create your cURL command to get the active users:
  1. JSON Request using curl in Git Bash:
  1. JSON Response received:
  1. To copy the JSON response directly to a .json file
  1. .json file created in Users folder

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