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Biometric Integration with ClayHR

Timecards will be generated automatically if you are utilizing the biometric system to track your attendance. Just upload attendance CSV/ Excel files to the cloud server. Our system analyzes the information and accurately generates timecards automatically.

How does biometric integration work?

To generate accurate time cards, configure the biometric system to automatically upload CSV/ Excel attendance files to the provided SFTP server periodically (for example, every day at 2 AM local time). ClayHR automation analyzes the data and creates timecards based on employee attendance patterns and hours worked. The steps involved in integrating biometrics with ClayHR are as follows.

  1. Simply configure your biometric system to upload attendance CSV/ Excel files to the provided SFTP server.
  1. The advanced ClayHR biometric integration algorithm runs automatically at the scheduled time and processes the uploaded files.
  2. The system creates the timesheet if it does not already exist.
  3. Once timesheets are created, the system then proceeds to generate timecards for each employee.
  4. The system saves these timecards and timesheets. These timesheets are visible in the user interface (“My Timesheets” page).

  1. Finally, the system saves any unprocessed records in error files to avoid data loss.

Types of error files

  1. Clock error files contain records that lack the necessary clock time value.

  1. Basic error files contain records that lack basic and essential information such as date, userId/ employeeId, etc.

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