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How to Approve / Reject Timesheets?

  1. Under People, go to the top menu and select "Timesheet Approvals".
  1. To approval the timesheets, choose the timesheets you want to approve and click "Approve Timesheets".

  1. On the confirmation pop-up screen, fill in the required fields.

The "Reason for Approval" field will only be displayed when the "Require reason for approving timesheets" preference is enabled.

  1. Click on “Approve Timesheets”.
  1. To reject the Timesheets, select the timesheets you want to reject and click "Reject Timesheets".
  1. Fill in the required fields when a new pop-up window appears.

The “Reason for Rejection” field will only be displayed when the “Require reason for rejecting timesheets” preference is enabled.

  1. Click on “Reject Timesheets”.

How to reset Approved Timesheets?

  1. Under People, go to the top menu and select "Timesheet Approvals".
  1. If a user has the "Reset/Override the Approved Timecards" permission, they will see a link at the bottom right that says "Need to reset/override timesheets?". To reset the timesheet, the user is required to click on this link.
  1. Select the timesheets to unlock and click "Reset Timesheets" in the Manage Timesheets window.
  1. A confirmation pop-up window will appear, displaying the total amount of time that will be reset. To confirm, click “Reset Timesheets”.

Read more - Timesheets - Create, Approve, Reset, and More!

Hope this helps :)

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