What are Candidate Funnels?
A candidate funnel maps out the different stages that a candidate goes through in your organization’s selection process. This component is easy to use and powerful for showing the current status of a candidate’s job application at a glance. An example funnel could consist of these application statuses: New>1st Round>2nd Round>Offer Sent>Offer Accepted>Hired.

How do I configure the Candidate Funnel?
1.Please go to the Setup Menu (Gear Icon) and click on Hiring to go to the Hiring Configuration page.

2. On the Hiring Configuration page, please click on “Candidate Funnels”

3. The system comes with a Default Funnel.

This funnel consists of several application statuses. You can use this Default Funnel as it is or you can edit the name and description of this funnel, edit the application statuses, drag n drop rows to change the sequence of the statuses, change colors, add more stages, etc.
With the “New Funnel” button on this page, you can create more Funnels.
Do I need to create multiple funnels?
It depends. You can have one funnel for all your job positions which means that all candidates go through the same exact selection process.
Or, If you feel that the recruitment process for one position is different from another position, then you can create a separate funnel dedicated to that position.
For example, if you are hiring for a technology-oriented job position you may have named one of your stages “Technical round”. This stage may become irrelevant when you are hiring for a non-technical profile.
So, to serve this purpose, you can create a separate funnel consisting of application statuses meant specifically for non-technical jobs. Now that you have configured your Funnel, it is time to link it to your Positions.
This is important so that you can assign a status to candidates. Please follow the following steps:
1. Go to Hiring-->Positions. Create a new position by clicking on “New Position”.

2. Fill out the details of the Position. Please click on a field called “CandidateFunnel” to select an appropriate funnel for this position.

3. After you have filled out the details, please click on “Save”.4. Now, you can go to a candidate’s profile and click on the Positions tab to find the funnel displayed there. As the selection process progresses, you can click on the corresponding funnel stage to mark that candidate's application status for that position.