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Want to post feedback to your wall automatically?

These feedback preferences are available to all the users to manage their wall.

How do I update my feedback preferences to post feedback to My Wall automatically?

  1. Navigate to “My Wall” under “Performance” menu.
My Wall
  1. Click on the link at top-center of the page.
  1. This will open a pop-up with feedback wall preferences.
  1. The first section is “Wall Visibility”, here you can select with whom you can share your feedback wall.
  2. You have options like public visibility, private visibility or org unit.
  3. If you select wall visibility as public, it will allow everyone to view your wall.
  4. If you select wall visibility as private, nobody will have access to your wall.
  5. Similarly, selecting the org unit will give access to members of your org unit to view your wall.
  6. To choose any option click on the option that you prefer.
  7. The second section “Feedback Review” allows you to choose whether you want to review feedback before posting it to your wall or post it to your wall automatically.
  8. The first option “Publish Automatically”, will post the feedback to your wall without requiring you to accept it.
  9. The second option “Review Feedback before Publishing”, will allow you to review each feedback and choose which ones you want to publish on your wall.

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