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Locations Set Up

Define "Company Locations "When you have different locations and it is important for you to specify where your team members are located, you can define and assign locations. To do so:

  1. Go to top right "Setup" menu
  2. Click on submenu "Organization Setup"
  3. Click on "Company Location" link under Organization Details section
  4. Give it a name and a description and click "Save"

Assign a Company Location to a User

  1. Go to the top "People" menu
  2. Click on submenu "Directory"
  3. Click on the person's name and click "Edit"
  4. Go to the Regional Section and in the "Location" drop down menu, select the relevant location

Note: To publish your open positions in Indeed through the Indeed-ClayHR Integration, your company location details -city, state, zip and country- need to be specified.

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