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How to Generate Tests Using GenAI?

The process of generating tests is effortless with ClayHR’s advanced automated question-generation feature. Utilizing the power of AI, users can generate questions seamlessly based on the content and YouTube links uploaded in a learning. This innovative functionality streamlines the question-generation process and ensures that the questions generated are contextually relevant and diverse. In this kB article, we'll guide you through the AI-driven question generation in tests.

Steps to Generate Questions Using GenAI

  1. Go to the “Skills” menu in the navigation bar and click on “Learnings”
  1. Click on any learning name to redirect to the “Learning View Page”.
  1. In the “Learning Content” section upload the documents or media files. The questions will be generated based on the content.
  1. To upload the document, click on the icon and select a file from the system to upload. File formats accepted for upload include doc, txt, pdf, and mp4. Please note that the media file size must not exceed 25MB.
  1. Click on the “Add Assessment Test” link.
  1. After clicking the link, this popup will appear, where users can search for existing tests or create a new test by clicking on "Create New Test".
  1. Clicking on the "Create New Test" will redirect the user to the “Test View Page”, where they can proceed to create the test.
  1. Click on the icon next to “Generate Questions”.
  1. After clicking on the icon, a pop-up will appear. Here users can search for a learning name, specify the number of Multiple Choice Questions and Single line Questions to generate, and then click on the “Generate Questions” button.
  1. After successfully generating the questions, this toaster will be displayed.

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