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How to Auto-Set Employee ID?

Auto Generate Employee ID

ClayHR can generate the Employee ID numbers in a variety of format, assign to your employees and communicate that information to down stream systems.

To auto-set employee ID, follow the given set of instructions:

  1. Go to the configuration menu in the top right corner of the ClayHR home screen.
  2. Navigate to “User and Employee Portal”.
  1. Click on the “User Setup” tab under the “User And Employee Portals”.
  1. Open the Employee ID dropdown and choose between two options: Automatic or Manual.
  1. Select “Automatic” from the drop-down menu.
  2. After choosing Automatic from the dropdown menu in front of it, the system will prompt you to fill out “one box”.
  1. You can set your pattern of the employee ID, for example, “AE%4d” (AE can be your prefix for your company, such as Acme Enterprises), and the system will always set it up automatically.
  1. So, in this method, you may implement the automatic generation of Emp ID.

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