Harvest-ClayHR Integration
Integrating ClayHR with Harvest time and invoice tracking is very straightforward.
Simply add Harvest in your 3rd party integrations, with your account URL (such as “YOURCOMPANY.harvestapp.com”).
For authentication, you have two options:
Specify the Harvest username and password in ClayHR. (Authtoken, clientid, client secret, appid are not needed in this case.) See snapshot.

Alternatively, you can also generate an authtoken, and save that in the “AuthToken” field. If you specify the auth token, ClayHR will use that instead. In this case, leave other fields, like username, password etc. blank.

Integration – Main Use Cases
ClayHR supports the following use cases for integration with Harvest.
- When an account (client) and the project is created in ClayHR, automatically create the same in HarvestApp to keep the data in synch.
- When an invoice is created in ClayHR, automatically create (push) that invoice in HarvestApp also.
- When invoices are created in Harvest, connect them with projects in ClayHR to track people project allocations in ClayHR.